Thursday, November 28, 2019

Biomechanics and Kinematics of the Jete free essay sample

This paper explores the body mechanics involved in all phases of the ballet leap, called the Jete. The paper describes kinesthesiology as a branch of physics dedicated to the physics involved in movement. It shows that several scientists of note contributed to this field including Aristotle, who applied geometry to the acts of walking, running and jumping. The paper describes that as a dancer moves across the stage force is transferred from one element to another. This paper explores the body mechanics involved in all phases of the ballet leap, called the jete. Table of contents Introduction Phases of the Jete? Analysis of the Muscles Involved Analysis of the Injuries Prone to the Movement The landing phase of the leap is by far the most dangerous. If the body is not positioned properly to absorb the impact, injuries could be extensive, particularly if they cause a fall. Every part of the body is at risk in a fall situation. We will write a custom essay sample on Biomechanics and Kinematics of the Jete? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Injuries could be more severe involving broken bones, especially in the ankle and foot of the leading leg. If a fall is involved bruising could result.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

rip essays

rip essays If you like books like The Firm or The Chamber then this is the book for you. It has a great mix of suspense, action and drama. Its about a young man named Rudy Baylor who had aspirations of breezing through law school, graduating, and having a rich and prosperous future waiting for him. But after graduating the company that had hired him as a student was forced into a merger and the new owners dont want to have anything to do with him. It looks as if the whole world is crashing down on him, except for one case, one chance to pull himself away from being just another sleazy lawyer taking garbage cases that fall like scraps from the corporate bigshots tables. Its an insurance dispute that has left a family broken and devastated and has also opened the door for a lawsuit, if only Rudy can find a licensed lawyer to file it for him. When he finally gets to court he finds himself face to face with Drummond, the leader of a big time corporate defense team. Hes thrown into a nightmar e of lies and cover-ups that have hung like a dark cloud over Great Benefits, the insurance company being sued. What started as a small dispute is quickly expanding into a million dollar legal war with the most trusted and respected insurance company in America. Its a case that puts Rudy in great danger, but if he wins he would be the most popular lawyer in America. I go to my apartment to load the last of my things into the car. The cleaning service was in yesterday so the house is temporarily without the smell of mildew. Its ready for Miss Birdie. I write Miss Birdie a long letter promising to call. Check the house once again and drive to a branch bank and close my savings account. A stack of 28 one hundred dollar bills has a nice feel to it, I hide it under the floor-mat. Its almost dark when I knock on the Blackss front door. Dot opens it, and almost smiles when she sees its me. The house is dark and qu ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

International Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3

International Marketing - Essay Example Global marketing involves planning and executing the marketing efforts for pricing, supply and promotion of ideas, services or goods in multinational markets. The importance of global/international marketing: Macro level benefits in national perspective 1. Increase in national income 2. Efficiency 3. Employment generation 4. Increased linkages 5. Optimal utilization of resources 6. Educative effect 7. Promotes foreign direct investment 8. Stimulates competition 9. Technology sourcing Micro level effects of international business 1. Growth 2. Fighting 3. Increased efficiency 4. Sale economics 5. Innovation 6. Risk cover The three key elements of marketing with reference to tourism products are: 1. The Marketing Plan 2. Mix of the 4 Ps 3. Market segmentation The marketing plan is a significant aspect of global market as the firm will have to consider multi cultural, multi ethnic background customers, whose nature, attitude and needs and preferences vary drastically. In the case of tour ism industry, this aspect becomes highly relevant. Hence, the marketing plan will have tol focus on the target audience, seasons when influx is expected and tastes of customers of from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds. This plan will guide their marketing decisions and  assist them in allocating marketing resources such as  money and personnel time. The plan should include: 1. The overall business objectives--what you want to  accomplish. In tourism products, one should also consider the areas one wants to serve. 2. An assessment of the market environment--what factors  may affect your marketing efforts. The nature and attitude different types of customers. 3. A business/community profile--what resources are  available and what resources the incoming customers look for. 4. Market identification (segmentation)--the specific  groups or clientele most interested in your product. 5.   The marketing objectives for each segment. Mix of the 4Ps the increased attentio n to the application of marketing in the services sector, especially tourism, has brought into question what the key components or elements of a Marketing Mix are, or what they should be. If the elements chosen for a service are not comprehensive, there is a chance for the occurrence of a gap between the market requirement and the firm's marketing offer. This makes it appropriate to reconsider the traditional Marketing Mix of the 4Ps (Product, Price, Promotion and Place). The traditional mix has been derived from a much longer list of twelve variables designed by the Harvard School of Business. Over time, the concept had gained acceptance and the mix was adopted to capture the market. Tourism industry normally makes the mistake of considering all customers as the same. This needs to be avoided and specific model of product and services needs to be designed for each type of customers, depending on their culture, region, religion, preferences etc. For example,  it would be difficult to develop a campground that would  be equally attractive to recreational vehicle campers and  backpackers or promote a property to serve both  snow mobilers and nature oriented cross country skiers.   Question 2 -Discuss how the Calgary Model of Competitiveness can be used for tourism organizations and why is it very important to handle culture diversity when operating in the international market. Tourism has been one of the most emergent fields in the world. The use of latest technologies and